
Create a MetadataType object from a metadata object

metadata (Object = {}) ={} - object with metadata to create MetadataType object of
Object: MetadataType


Parses MetadataType according to specified options. The attributes can be targeted for each sub-type.

metadataType (Object = {}) The MetadataType response from the API.
options (Object = {}) Options which change how the metadataType is parsed.
Name Description
options.joinValue string String to join the values, eg ','.
options.includeAttributes boolean Include attributes on all objects.
options.includeMetadataAttributes boolean Include attributes on root.
options.includeTimespanAttributes boolean Include attributes on timespans.
options.includeGroupAttributes boolean Include attributes on groups.
options.includeFieldAttributes boolean Include attributes on fields.
options.includeValueAttributes boolean Include attributes on values.
options.flat boolean Flatten to key/value (Note: keys may be overwritten).
options.flatTimespan boolean Flatten timespan.
options.flatGroup boolean Flatten group.
options.sortTimespan boolean Sort timespan by start time.
options.timespanAsList boolean Return timespans as list.
options.groupAsList boolean Return groups as list.
options.fieldAsList boolean Return fields as list.
options.arrayOnSingle boolean =true - Return fields as array even if single field.
options.arrayOnSingleValue boolean =true - Return fields as array even if single field value.
Object: Metadata object parsed according to options.


Parses timespanList according to specified options. The attributes can be targeted for each sub-type.

timespanList (Array<Object> = []) The timespanList response from the API.
options (Object = {}) Options which change how the metadataType is parsed.
Name Description
options.joinValue string String to join the values, eg ','.
options.includeAttributes boolean Include attributes on all objects.
options.includeMetadataAttributes boolean Include attributes on root.
options.includeTimespanAttributes boolean Include attributes on timespans.
options.includeGroupAttributes boolean Include attributes on groups.
options.includeFieldAttributes boolean Include attributes on fields.
options.includeValueAttributes boolean Include attributes on values.
options.flat boolean Flatten to key/value (Note: keys may be overwritten).
options.flatTimespan boolean Flatten timespan.
options.flatGroup boolean Flatten group.
options.sortTimespan boolean Sort timespan by start time.
options.timespanAsList boolean Return timespans as list.
options.groupAsList boolean Return groups as list.
options.fieldAsList boolean Return fields as list.
options.arrayOnSingle boolean =true - Return fields as array even if single field.
options.arrayOnSingleValue boolean =true - Return fields as array even if single field value.
Object: Metadata object parsed according to options.


Parses timespan according to specified options. The attributes can be targeted for each sub-type.

timespan (Object = {}) ={} - The timespan response from the API.
options (Object = {}) ={} - Options which change how the metadataType is parsed.
Name Description
options.joinValue string =undefined - String to join the values, eg ','.
options.includeAttributes boolean =false - Include attributes on all objects.
options.includeTimespanAttributes boolean =false - Include attributes on timespans.
options.includeGroupAttributes boolean =false - Include attributes on groups.
options.includeFieldAttributes boolean =false - Include attributes on fields.
options.includeValueAttributes boolean =false - Include attributes on values.
options.flat boolean =false - Flatten to key/value (Note: keys may be overwritten).
options.flatTimespan boolean =false - Flatten timespan.
options.flatGroup boolean =false - Flatten group.
options.groupAsList boolean =false - Return groups as list.
options.fieldAsList boolean =false - Return fields as list.
options.arrayOnSingle boolean =true - Return fields as array even if single field.
options.arrayOnSingleValue boolean =true - Return fields as array even if single field value.
Object: Metadata object parsed according to options.


Parses highlight timespans responses from the api into key/value object. The attributes can be targeted for each sub-type.

highlightTimespanList (Object = []) A list of timespans from the api response.
opts (any = {})
options (Object) Options which change how the timespans are parsed.
Name Description
options.arrayOnSingle boolean =true - Return an array if there is a single value.
options.joinValue string String to join the values, eg ','.
options.timespanAsList boolean =false - Return timespans as list.
options.flat boolean =false - Flatten to field-name/field-value (Note: field-values may be overwritten).
options.flatTimespan boolean =false - Flatten timespan to object with start/end as key.
options.joinTimespan string =_ - Character to join the start/end timecodes.


Parses highlight timespan responses from the api into key/value object. The attributes can be targeted for each sub-type.

highlightTimespan (Array<Object> = {}) A timespan object from the api response.
Name Description
highlightTimespan.field any (default [])
highlightTimespan.start any
highlightTimespan.end any
opts (any = {})
options (Object) Options which change how the timespans are parsed.
Name Description
options.arrayOnSingle boolean =true - Return an array if there is a single value.
options.timespanAsList boolean =false - Return timespans as list.
options.joinValue string String to join the values, eg ','.


Convert subtitle groups to WebVtt subtitle format

metadataTypeToWebVtt(input: Object): string
input (Object) ={}
Name Description
input.metadataType Object MetadataType response from API.
input.subtitleGroup string (default 'stl_subtitle') =stl_subtitle - Name of group containing subtitle field/text.
input.subtitleField string (default 'stl_text') =stl_text - Name of field (text) to use for the subtitles.
string: WebVtt subtitles